1. This document sets out the information relating to the online account and contracts entered into at a distance on the World Wide Web site “ ” (hereinafter referred to as “Site”), belonging to PRINCESS CROWN, UNIPESSOAL LDA., a company sole proprietorship for shares with registered office at Rua Fialho De Almeida, 14, 2nd Esq.º, Bd20, Sba Office Center, 1070129 Lisbon, parish of Avenidas Novas, municipality of Lisbon, registered at the Commercial Registry Office under the unique registration number and legal person 514506199. (hereinafter referred to as “PRINCESS CROWN”).

  2. PRINCESS CROWN is a company whose commercial activity consists, namely, in the retail sale of adult clothing under the GURLY BY NM brand.

  3. PRINCESS CROWN will do its best to ensure that the information and content made available on the Site does not contain errors, correcting them immediately after detecting them to guarantee the Customer the best possible shopping experience.

  4. The purchase of any product through the Site and the creation of an account on the Site presuppose full, informed and unreserved acceptance of the provisions of these General Terms of Use of the Site and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter referred to as “ General Terms ”) and the Policy Site Privacy and Data Protection .

  5. PRINCESS CROWN provides a Customer Support service, through which the Customer may, at any time, contact PRINCESS CROWN to ask for clarification, through the e-mail address “ ”.


  1. All products are sold through the online store (Site), where the Customer can submit purchase orders in accordance with the terms and conditions described in these General Terms .

  2. When using the Site and placing orders through it, the Customer agrees to the following: (i) Use the Site only to carry out legally valid inquiries and orders; (ii) Not to place any false or fraudulent orders. If it is reasonably considered that an order of this type has been placed, PRINCESS CROWN is authorized to cancel it and inform the competent authorities; (iii) Provide PRINCESS CROWN, truthfully and unequivocally, your email address, postal address and/or any other contact details. Furthermore, you agree that, if necessary, PRINCESS CROWN may use this information to contact the Customer (see Privacy and Data Protection Policy ). If the Customer does not provide all the necessary information, it will not be possible to proceed with the purchase order for products on the Site.

  3. The Customer must, under the terms of the applicable law, ensure that he has the necessary exercise capacity to create an account on the Site and to purchase the products made available, marketed or advertised on the Site (hereinafter referred to as “ product( ” or “ products ”). , and PRINCESS CROWN is not responsible, directly or indirectly and under any form or title, for verifying or controlling the conformity or validity of such capacity to exercise, considering, for all purposes, that the information made available by the Client and which attests to its exercise capacity is true and up to date.

  4. The data provided and made available by the Customer is given full legal effect, with the Customer being fully and fully responsible for all purchase orders made, being inhibited from alleging lack of recognition or validation of the information or documentation presented for the fulfillment of the purchase order. purchase, or ignorance of the applicable terms and conditions.

  5. The Customer must use the Site in strict compliance with the provisions of these General Terms and applicable legal regulations.

  6. The information or personal data provided by the Customer will be processed in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Policy . By using the Site, the Customer agrees to the processing of information and personal data under the terms described above , ensuring that all information and data provided is true and current.



  1. In order to access and use the Site, as well as all the tools and advantages of the Customer Account on the Site, it is necessary for the Customer to have a Customer Account , which is personal and for the Customer's exclusive use.

  2. The Customer Account must be used in strict respect for the purposes that justify, substantiate and legitimize its creation and use, as well as the provisions of these General Terms .

  3. For the purpose of creating a Customer Account , the Customer must access the Site and follow the method for creating a Customer Account provided therein according to a "step by step" navigation, selection and filling method, an act that implies the informed and informed completion of the respective fields made available in the electronic form for collecting the corresponding information.

  4. The collection, processing, treatment and storage of data is limited to individualized and specific data of the Customer, under the terms described in the Site's Privacy and Data Protection Policy .



  1. The products provided on the Site are only available for delivery in mainland Portugal, Autonomous Region of Madeira, Autonomous Region of Azores, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany, under the terms set forth in these General Terms .

  2. PRINCESS CROWN may agree to deliver products to countries and areas other than those contemplated above , by express agreement to that effect, with approval, by the Customer, of the respective price applicable to the delivery, under the terms presented on the checkout page.


    In order for a purchase order to be completed and the contract to be concluded, it is necessary to follow the online purchase procedure, click on “ Finalize purchase ”, and authorize the respective payment, the Customer always having to previously read and accept these General Terms . By clicking on “ Checkout ” and authorizing the respective payment, the Customer will be entering into an offer to purchase the selected products that will result in a purchase and sale contract with PRINCESS CROWN (the “Contract”), after confirmation of acceptance of the by PRINCESS CROWN, by sending an electronic communication to that effect to the Customer (the "Order Confirmation").



    1. Regarding the essential characteristics of the products , PRINCESS CROWN takes into account the technical information shared by its suppliers, who may or may not be the original suppliers of the products , for the purpose of describing and commercially presenting these products , using texts, drawings, photographs, videos and/or other multimedia content that describe them in a clear, faithful manner and in strict respect for the most appropriate market standards that are appropriate in this context.

    2. Without prejudice to the above, given the difficulty of transmitting, through the Site, a perfect reproduction of the experience that derives from the physical touch of the products, as well as their own color or stamping, which can vary between the potential and different screens /electronic image display monitors that can be used by Customers for the purposes of viewing the products and using the Site, PRINCESS CROWN is not responsible for such differences in perception.



      1. PRINCESS CROWN makes available on its website, clearly and unequivocally, in the area at the end of the purchase process, the total price of each product , including transport charges and applicable VAT.

      2. The stages of promotions, discounts or any sales will be identified on the Site using the same method, upon presentation of the respective applicable price and discount / price reduction.

      3. All information regarding prices, products, specifications, campaigns and/or promotions may be changed at any time by PRINCESS CROWN, with immediate effect.

      4. In the event of a clear verification of a computer error, as well as in the event of an occurrence that is not evident to the Customer of a computer, human, technical, technological error or of any other nature/origin that causes an unforeseen change in the retail prices contained in the PRINCESS CROWN website or the promotional prices announced on the Website and referring to the products , the purchase order may be considered invalid and freely canceled by PRINCESS CROWN, at its sole discretion, or at the request of the Customer. Upon becoming aware of the irregularity and completing the respective cancellation, PRINCESS CROWN will immediately inform the Customer.

      5. PRINCESS CROWN will not be liable, directly or indirectly and under any form or title, for any damages caused as a result of the errors mentioned in the previous number or by others equivalent to those, recognizing and accepting the Client that the verification of this type of circumstance does not attribute any type of compensation.



        1. PRINCESS CROWN reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice to the Customer, the presentation and content of the Site, the products made available, marketed or advertised on the Site, as well as these General Terms , safeguarding the rights acquired in relation to contracts already concluded and in execution.

        2. The modifications aim at the continuous improvement of the Site, the respective products and services.

        3. In the event that the Client does not agree with the modifications introduced or if he/she no longer agrees with these General Terms or with those that will apply at a certain future time, he/she must immediately cease using the Site, to its fullest extent.



        1. PRINCESS CROWN carries out its commercial activity, namely the retail sale of clothing for adults through the brand GURLY BY NM .

        2. The content and information on the Site – such as logos, texts, images, videos, other multimedia content or other intellectual property content – ​​are the property of PRINCESS CROWN or their use has been expressly granted and under conditions of exclusivity by the respective owner , constituting the use, reproduction, copying and/or dissemination of the same, when not expressly authorized, in advance and in writing, a willful and serious violation of its rights, with a direct impact on its commercial activity, which grant PRINCESS CROWN the right to be compensated for all damage caused directly or indirectly, regardless of whether such acts stem from willful or merely negligent behavior.



        1. Except for stockouts (inventory), all products made available, marketed or advertised on the Site are available for sale, and they may, where applicable, because they are produced or supplied in limited sets, become unavailable without prior notice, and PRINCESS CROWN cannot be liable, directly or indirectly and under any form or title, for any damages caused as a result of such unavailability.

        2. If the products remain unavailable after 30 (thirty) days from the date of payment of the purchase order submitted by the Customer on the Site, PRINCESS CROWN will inform the Customer of this fact, seeking to schedule a new delivery deadline if there is availability forecast. and delivery for the product , always granting the Customer, upon timely option, expressed and provided in writing, the refund of the amount paid within a maximum period of 14 (fourteen) days from the date of knowledge of that unavailability.



        1. The processing of the purchase and dispatch of the products begins at a moment following the confirmation of the respective payment, a moment that corresponds to the availability in the legal sphere of PRINCESS CROWN of the respective amount that has been paid, the Customer being informed of the confirmation of the acceptance of the order of purchase through written notification sent to the email address provided by the Customer to PRINCESS CROWN.

        2. Notwithstanding the provisions of these General Terms regarding the availability of products , with the exception of extraordinary circumstances, as well as exceptions of delays for reasons related to the customization of products, the delivery area or other unspecified unforeseen events, PRINCESS CROWN will endeavor to send the order with the respective products mentioned in the Order Confirmation within the date indicated therein or, if no date is specified, within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of the Order Confirmation .

        3. The delivery of the products will be carried out by a third party duly qualified under the terms of the law for the provision of these services.

        4. Unless supported by PRINCESS CROWN under the terms and conditions freely stipulated and expressly announced on the Site, such as the "free shipping" promotions at no cost to the Customer on purchase orders exceeding a certain amount, the delivery costs of the products are :




        From €4.99.

        Final value shown on the checkout page.

        Free on orders over €100.

        Ground transportation service.

        Delivery in 48h/72h.

        Continental Portugal

        From €8.89

        Final value shown on the checkout page.

        Air transport service.

        Delivery in 48h/72h.

        Madeira Autonomous Region

        Autonomous Region of the Azores

        From €8.49

        Final value shown on the checkout page.

        Ground transportation service.

        Delivery in 48h /72h.


        1. For the delivery of products in countries or areas not included in the shipping cost table replicated above , the prices that will be displayed on the checkout page will apply.

        2. PRINCESS CROWN will do its best to ship all products in a single shipment. Without prejudice, it is possible that due to logistical and storage issues, human and technical errors and/or other incidents beyond the control of PRINCESS CROWN may make such shipment unfeasible according to the indicated period. If any product cannot be supplied after the purchase order has been placed, the Customer will be notified by email, at which time a rectifying solution will be presented, by scheduling delivery, replacement of the product or cancellation of the purchase order with the right to a refund. , in simple terms, of the amount actually paid.

        3. For the purposes of these General Terms , delivery is considered “made” and the products covered by the purchase order are considered “delivered” with the signature of the receipt/delivery report at the agreed address.



          1. If it is not possible to deliver the products to the designated address in a delivery attempt, the team responsible for transport will indicate the place where they are located and the procedures to be carried out to collect the order. The carrier only makes one delivery attempt.

          2. In the event that it is not possible to deliver the products in the first delivery attempt, the Customer may be charged the amounts corresponding to the expenses related to the storage of the products and the new delivery attempt.



            1. PRINCESS CROWN will inform the Customer of changes regarding the status of the processing and delivery of the products object of the order, as well as the probable dates of delivery or availability at the delivery/collection point, and may, for this purpose, use its own direct channels of communication or take advantage of notifications from the carrier or the entity responsible for managing the processing and delivery, when applicable.

            2. Whenever applicable, PRINCESS CROWN will inform the Customer about the tracking number assigned to the order and made available by the carrier, which allows the Customer to know the status of the respective delivery with the responsible entity.

            3. If the Customer wishes to have any question related to the processing of the delivery clarified, he must access the transporter's website, which will be, whenever applicable, made available in due course by PRINCESS CROWN, allowing the Customer, through the introduction of the tracking number in the field corresponding to the carrier's order tracking tool, check the last reported status of delivery processing.

            4. Without prejudice to the previous paragraph, whenever the Customer wishes to have any question related to the processing of the order or any other related to the products clarified, he may contact PRINCESS CROWN Customer Support , via email sent to the address “ ”.



              1. Without prejudice to the fact that they may be changed within the scope of future changes to these General Terms , PRINCESS CROWN makes the following means of payment for products available on the Site:
              • Multibanco reference;
              • MB Way;
              • Paypal;
              • Debit and Credit Cards.
              1. Some payment methods may imply the additional payment of processing or other costs, and the Customer must always check, in the face of all purchase orders completed through the Site, the final and global price of the purchase order, according to the method of payment. selected payment.


              1. The Customer may cancel his order upon express and written request, submitted to PRINCESS CROWN through a communication sent to the email address “ , indicating the number of his order, the tax number associated with the order and delivery address, or through the cancellation procedure available in the Customer area of ​​the Customer Account , in the “orders” tab.

              2. Order cancellation requests will be accepted by PRINCESS CROWN as long as the order has not been processed.

              3. PRINCESS CROWN reserves the right not to process any order, when it finds inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the personal data or information provided by the Customer, when the processing of such order proves to be in any way contrary to the provisions of these General Terms , and/or when it detects acts of illicit conduct, contrary to good customs or these General Terms , directly or indirectly attributable to the Customer.

              4. PRINCESS CROWN reserves the right not to process any order if there are errors in the values ​​and/or characteristics of the products , when these result from technical problems, in accordance with the provisions of point of these General Terms .


              RIGHT OF REJECTION

                1. Pursuant to the applicable regulatory provisions and unless repair or replacement are impossible or impose disproportionate costs for PRINCESS CROWN, in case of non-conformity of the product(s) and within the first 30 (thirty) days after delivery thereof, the Customer may request:
                • The restoration of conformity, through repair or replacement of the product;
                • The proportional reduction of the price; or,
                • Termination of the contract;

                upon return of the product(s) within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days from delivery, accompanied by all the elements that compose it and the respective sales invoice (or copy), to the address:


                Rua Serpa Pinto n.º 32, R/C.

                7520-241 Sines, Portugal

                1. For the purposes of exercising the “ Right of Rejection ”, the Customer must initiate the process through a reasoned exposition and justification of the situation of non-conformity of the product(s), sent to the email address “” , delivering then the product(s) to PRINCESS CROWN completely and with all the elements that compose them, without signs of use and accompanied by the respective purchase invoice, so that PRINCESS CROWN can start the respective evaluation process.

                2. Shipping costs for returning the product(s), under the conditions described above ,  are the sole responsibility of the Customer.

                3. In the absence of any of the elements referred to above and which must accompany the allegedly non-conforming product(s) and subject to return, if it is not properly packaged, in perfect conservation/hygiene conditions, there will be no room for any resolution or replacement, the product(s) being sent back to the Customer, subject to a new payment of transport costs.



                  1. In the contracts concluded through the Site, the Customer is recognized as having the right, within a period of 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which he acquires physical possession of the products or the date on which he acquires physical possession of the last product, in the case of several products ordered in a single purchase order and delivered separately, proceed in accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory standards, to terminate the contract by returning the products

                  2. The return of products must be carried out by sending them to:


                  Rua Serpa Pinto n.º 32, R/C.

                  7520-241 Sines, Portugal

                  1. The costs of returning the products are borne by the Customer. Given the fact that the products, depending on their nature, can normally be returned through typical national mail services, PRINCESS CROWN does not fall under the applicable law, the obligation to inform the Customer about the amount of such costs of return that may arise from the termination of the contract under the right of free termination.

                  2. Termination of the contract extinguishes the respective performance obligations.

                  3. To exercise the right to terminate the contract, the Customer must, under penalty of ineffectiveness:
                  • State unequivocally that you intend to terminate the contract, indicating your identification data and the products you will return. The communication may be carried out by completing and sending, electronically, the free resolution form model attached to Decree-Law no. appropriate field for this purpose, by email sent to “ ”, or through any other suitable and durable method, provided that it is susceptible of adequate proof;
                  • Return the products completely, under the same conditions in which the sale and delivery took place;
                  • For hygiene reasons, the products cannot have been tried, used or washed;
                  • It is mandatory that the products are in perfect condition, without signs of use, without signs of having been washed and without any kind of odor, and they must be delivered in exactly the same conditions in which they were sold and always accompanied by the respective invoice, labels, hygienic protections, cups and bags.
                  • The packaging of the products must be returned completely, as it was delivered and accompanied by all the documentation received.
                  1. In the event that the Customer purchases several products within the scope of a campaign offering one or more products, such as “ take two for the price of one ” or “ take two for the price of three ”, for example, the right of free withdrawal must be exercised in respect of all goods ordered. In these cases, PRINCESS CROWN will not accept the partial return of the order.

                  2. The return of the products by the Customer must be carried out within a maximum period of 14 (fourteen) days after the communication of the decision to terminate the contract, presenting the products in a state as indicated above, as well as the invoice and, when applicable, the transport guide , and a copy of the identification document (Citizen Card) when the products are delivered by hand to the address indicated by PRINCESS CROWN for receiving returns.

                  3. After the Customer has validly exercised the right of free termination of the contract upon appropriate notification and following the return of the products in strict compliance with the return conditions described in these General Terms and imposed on the Customer, PRINCESS CROWN will refund the amount paid in maximum period of 14 (fourteen) days through the same payment method used for the initial purchase order.

                  4. Upon receipt of the return, the Customer will be owed the amount corresponding to the amount actually paid for the products , deducting, if applicable, the additional delivery costs when the Customer expressly requests a different and more expensive delivery method than the commonly accepted and less onerous proposal by PRINCESS CROWN. If you have used any credit, discount or promotion, this amount will not be refunded.

                  5. In the absence of conformity of the products or any component thereof, the product(s) or respective components not being in the proper conditions for their return and indicated in these General Terms , there will be no refund of the price, and the products will be sent back back to the initial shipping address, after further payment of the respective postage or costs of transport and delivery of the good, by the Customer.

                  6. PRINCESS CROWN reserves the right to withhold the refund as long as the product is not received or as long as the Customer does not provide proof of its return.

                  7. Without prejudice to the foregoing, whenever PRINCESS CROWN deems applicable due to the nature, characteristics, material or other specificities of the product , it excludes, pursuant to the provisions of article 17 of Decree-Law no. 24/2014, of February 14 , the application of the rule that grants the right to free termination of the contract in the case of the supply of sealed goods that cannot be returned, for reasons of health protection or hygiene, when they have been opened after delivery.
                  8. We do not exchange products for sales/promotions

                  9. As an alternative to terminating the contract, the Customer may choose, as long as possible and reasonable, to:
                  • Replacement of the product with an identical one; or,
                  • Attribution of equivalent credit for use on the Site.



                    Any errors in programming, in the functioning of the computer system, or in the deformation of the message, including writing errors, apply, respectively – and under the terms of paragraph 2 of article 33 of Decree-Law no. 7/2004, of January 7, in its updated version – the provisions on error foreseen for error in the formation of the will, error in the negotiation declaration, and error in the transmission of the negotiation declaration.



                      1. Under applicable law, certain information or notifications sent to the Customer must be in writing. By using the Site, the Customer agrees that most of the communications exchanged with PRINCESS CROWN will be carried out electronically, with the Customer being able to contact the Customer via email messages or by providing information by posting alerts on the Site. The Customer agrees, for the purpose of fulfilling the contract, to use these electronic means of communication and accepts that all business statements, notifications, information and other communications sent electronically comply with the applicable legal requirements and follow the written form.

                      2. Notifications sent to PRINCESS CROWN should preferably be sent via email to the address “ ”. Under the terms of these General Terms and unless otherwise indicated, PRINCESS CROWN may send the Customer notifications via email or by letter sent to the postal address that the Customer has provided when placing a purchase order or creating the Customer Account . Notifications will be deemed correctly received and carried out as soon as they are published on the Site, 24 (twenty-four) hours after being sent by email, or three days after the date of dispatch of any letter. As proof of delivery of the notice, it will suffice to prove, in the case of a letter, that it was correctly addressed, that the correct postage was paid and that it was duly delivered to the post office or in a PO box and, in the case of a message email, that the notification has been sent to the email address specified by the recipient (Customer).



                      1. The Customer is not permitted to use the Site in an improper manner, through the intentional introduction of viruses, trojans , worms , logic bombs or any other software or material that is technologically harmful or harmful, and any type of unauthorized access to the Site, to the server on which it is hosted or to any server, computer or database related to the Site.

                      2. Customer expressly agrees and acknowledges that it will not disrupt the functioning of the Site through any denial-of-service attack (including distributed denial-of-service attacks).

                      3. Failure to comply with the foregoing will be considered a serious breach, as defined under the terms of the law and other applicable regulations. PRINCESS CROWN will report to the competent authorities any and all acts and behavior of this type, collaborating with them in order to determine the identity of the attacker(s), without prejudice to immediately suspending authorization to use the Site, not PRINCESS CROWN being liable for any damage or loss resulting from a service attack, virus, software or technologically harmful or noxious material that may affect the Customer's computer, IT equipment, data or materials, as a result of the use of the Site or the download (download) of contents from the same or from the websites to which the Customer is redirected through the Website.



                        1. The use of the Site, the creation of a Customer Account and the purchase of any product through the Site presuppose full, clarified, informed and unreserved acceptance of the provisions of these General Terms and the Privacy and Data Protection Policy of the Site.

                        2. Pursuant to the above provisions and the terms established in the Site's Privacy and Data Protection Policy , with which it fully and unreservedly agrees, the Customer grants express and unequivocal authorization for the purposes of collecting, processing, processing and storing information and data. your personal data, voluntarily provided.



                          1. These General Terms and all references made therein expressly constitute the entire agreement between PRINCESS CROWN and the Customer, replacing any pact, agreement or promise previously made between PRINCESS CROWN and the Customer, whether verbal or in writing. The Customer and PRINCESS CROWN acknowledge that they have agreed to enter into purchase and sale contracts relating to the products without depending on any statement or promise made by the other party, except those expressly mentioned in these General Terms .

                          2. In the event that the provisions of these General Terms are declared null by a judicial authority in a decision with res judicata effect, the remaining terms and conditions will remain in force, not being affected by the said declaration of nullity.


                          CLIENT SUPPORT

                            1. If the Customer wishes to obtain further or additional clarification regarding these General Terms , the Privacy and Data Protection Policy of the Site or the products supplied by PRINCESS CROWN through the Site, it may do so through the email address “ hello@ gurlybynm .com ”.


                            ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION

                              The Customer may resort to a Consumer Dispute Resolution Entity to resolve national and cross-border disputes relating to contractual obligations resulting from purchase and sale contracts, initiated by the Customer residing in Portugal or in the European Union and having PRINCESS CROWN as a counterparty, in the supplier quality of consumer goods. PRINCESS CROWN, in the context of consumer disputes with an economic value not exceeding €5,000.00 (five thousand euros), is subject to the necessary arbitration or mediation when, by express option of the Client, such disputes must be submitted to the court arbitration attached to consumer dispute arbitration centers authorized under the terms of the law, and also to the European Consumer Centre.



                                1. Portuguese Law is applicable to all contracts that may be entered into through the Site, in all its extension and surroundings, regardless of the geographic location in which the Customer is located when submitting the purchase order through the Site or the geographical location selected for the delivery of the products .

                                2. Except where there is an imperative rule to the contrary and except in cases of alternative dispute resolution referred to in point XXIV ., the parties attribute exclusive competence to the judicial courts of the Republic of Portugal, designating exclusively the judicial courts of the district of Lisbon.